
During this 2020 pandemic year I have acted, directed, and taught Shakespeare, The Politics of Identity, Activism, and Devised Work with many wonderful people including:

Bedlam (Randolph Curtis Rand, Director and Eric Tucker, AD)

Boston University (Chris Edwards, Professor, and Susan Mickey, Chair)

Cal Poly Pomona (Linda Bisesti, Chair)

Cal State University Summer Arts (Marie Ramirez Downing)

Great River Shakespeare (Doug Scholz-Carlson, Aaron Young, Melissa Maxwell, Tarah Flanagan)

Livermore Shakespeare Festival (Lisa Tromovitch, AD)

National University of Theatre and Film, Bucharest (Ana Pasti, Professor)

NY Classical (Stephen Burdman, AD)

Old Globe at University of San Diego (Madeleine Sayet, Professor)

Prague Shakespeare Company (Guy Roberts, Jessica Boone, Eric Sammons)

Southwest Shakespeare Company (Mary Coleman Way)

UC Denver (Pompa Banerjee, Professor)

UC Merced (Dr. Katie Brokaw, Professor; Dr. Paul Prescott; and Billy Wolfgang)

UC Santa Barbara (Irwin Appel, Chair)

University of Arizona (Micha Espinosa, Professor)

University of Connecticut (Jennifer Skapetis-Tycer, Director, Pat McCorkle, Casting Director)

University of Georgia (Ray Paolino, Professor)

University of Nevada, Reno (Eric Rasmussen)

University of North Carolina (Cameron Knight)

and will be joining the faculty of Stella Adler as well in the months to come…

 Lisa has taught Master Classes in Shakespeare in NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, London, Vancouver, Berlin, & Prague.

Please click here to book on-line and in-person coaching and audition preparation.

Joy in Collaboration:

“Lisa Wolpe has an encyclopedic knowledge of the Shakespeare canon. Her passion and enthusiasm is infectious and inspiring. She helped me overcome my fears of tackling the intimidating Shakespearean verse” 

– Tonya Pinkins, Broadway Star

“Lisa Wolpe is truly in another league.  Rarely do you find that an actor and teacher who is so deep and so passionate – and Lisa is by far the deepest and most passionate actor and teacher you will ever experience –  is also the most disciplined, the most imaginative, the most intelligent, and a true master of her craft. If you are able to digest even 1% of what she shares with you, you will be a 100% better actor. An actor should not go a lifetime of acting without experiencing someone like Lisa Wolpe at least once.”

– Kyle Bornheimer, TV Star

“Whether you are just discovering Shakespeare or are a seasoned pro, Lisa generously shares her expertise in working with you to joyously delve into vocal technique, body work, and in-depth text analysis, as well as preparation for scene study, performance, and auditions. In the dictionary under “genius”, the definition should include: LISA WOLPE”.

– Nancy Jane Smeets

“Lisa Wolpe is an extraordinary teacher. She meets you where you are–welcomes you with an open heart, whether you are a beginner or an experienced actor–and then takes you on an incredible journey of exploration, discovery, and inspiration. I love the very specific way she works with breath, body, and text. As a singer, it is a real joy to work with an acting teacher who understands the voice, breath, and body as deeply as Lisa does. I have begun to use some of the things I have learned from her to in my songs and arias–and I already am finding greater freedom, inspiration, and honesty, Thank you Lisa–you are an amazing actor, a master teacher, and very beautiful person.”

– Elizabeth Ackerman

“Lisa’s a magician. She makes you feel like wresting the meaning and passion from Shakespeare’s words is a matter of life and death, and she gives you the technical and emotional tools to do it. Few people have the talent and experience to legitimately call themselves master teachers of Shakespeare; Lisa is one of them.”

– Andrew Heffernan

“Lisa’s classes are electric! Her love and knowledge of Shakespeare’s works, the Elizabethan world they were written for, unlocking the clues in and approaching the text is motivating and inspiring. Any actor with an interest in performing Shakespeare should LEAP at the opportunity to take one of her classes. I’m so glad I did!”

– Diane Baker Cummings

“I’ve wanted to work with Lisa Wolpe for a few years and was not disappointed. She’s the best!”

– Kevin Vavasseur

“Lisa Wolpe is a teacher’s teacher − caring, thoughtful and thorough. She has unimaginably enhanced my teaching and performance of Shakespearean texts.”

– Dr. Leigh Kennicott

“Lisa’s wisdom, clarity and acceptance lends her classes the kind of ease, warmth and openness one often needs yet rarely in an acting class. I found being in her Sunday classes an immense joy; a much needed part of my week where I could go be big and playful and vulnerable without fear of shame or judgement. Lisa’s “Geography of Thought” technique has forever altered my approach to performance and has done wonders in bringing my voice and my intentions out of my body and into the audience. Lisa helped me find the power and skills I needed to really tackle Shakespeare’s beautiful and complex text.”

– Sean Miller

“Lisa Wolpe cracks open your imagination and encourages you to go to new levels in your work. She is a great teacher for beginners and for the most advanced actors of all. I have played most of the major Shakespearean clowns under her direction……..and I am a WOMAN!!! Think of that.”

– Barbara Bragg

“Lisa Wolpe’s classes not only help actors delve through the intricacies of Shakespeare complex characters, but her techniques got me out of my head and into the scene and character. My voice, my breathing, my presence, my energy, my understanding of Shakespeare’s writing, my ability to become a character organically- all of this was awakened. Lisa is truly a gifted teacher and mentor!”

– Alice Walker

“Lisa’s workshops provide the tools to reach down inside yourself to breathe life into a character through physicality, emotions, and richness of text. She is a masterful teacher whose passion and knowledge inspires her students to strive towards the upper echelons of success in performance.”

– Zeenath Shareef

“Lisa’s amazing wealth of information and inspiration helped free me of myself through her holistic approach to Shakespeare. She changed my life really, because she knows acting, but more importantly she knows the human condition. She is the first teacher I ever had who had real resounding compassion. It is this compassion which sets her apart as a brilliant actress and teacher.”

– Kristin D’Andrea

“Lisa Wolpe is an amazing teacher. I’ve had Shakespeare training in the past but never before was it presented so clearly to me. She has a way of working with you, whether you are a novice or have been doing Shakespeare for years, that truly inspires. I always leave her class feeling exhausted and elated.”

– Victoria Ullmann